I had wondered if it might be possible to do another BBB trip this year but now that October is here and the light evenings are rapidly becoming just a fond memory I thought maybe a day out on the bus and a walk might be a good idea instead. When I mentioned my idea to Mr M he was willing to come too so, as the forecast for today was for bright sunshine all day, we made our plans and this morning having packed our backpacks with a flask of tea and some sarnies, made with the remains of the bread I'd made yesterday, together with a carton of salad - tomatoes, celery, cucumber and lettuce - along with the map and other essentials we set off to catch the bus into town where we hoped to get another bus to Milborne Port and to do a walk from there. The weather forecasters were right though and the wind was icy having turned overnight and coming now from the north. By the time the bus trundled up the road we were glad to get on it out of the chill! I think the temperature was around 8 degrees and set to rise to maybe 12 later but those temperatures didn't take account of the wind chill factor.

We got to town in time to make the connecting bus and the ride from the bus station to Milborne Port brought back many memories as I wondered just how many times I had made the journey by bus as a teenager and in my early 20s. Last time we came this way there were baskets of apples on offer just here in exchange for a donation to charity and I had hoped that might be the case today but no apples were to be seen which is probably just as well as one or other of us would have had to carry them!
Our route soon left the tarmac roads of the little town and we turned onto a track - it was beautiful walking along here no sound other than the wind soughing in the trees above and the sound of insects - we saw several butterflies, although I doubt they were making any noise - and the crows who were wheeling overhead. Down in the lane it was warm too out of the biting north wind and my hands finally began to warm up.
But just look at the colour of that sky - isn't it fabulous? There is something about an October blue sky which is really special and nothing like a summer one - is it because the light is different now that the sun is lower in the sky perhaps or does it just seem that way as we know there might not be many more of them before the grey skies of winter arrive?
Here and there were gateways into the fields where we could catch a glimpse of the views......
and still our track continued upwards.....
finally the route opened out - how green the fields look don't they?
The clouds were amazing and made shadows which could be seen racing across the fields here and there. We paused for lunch by a gateway where the scrubby hedgerow bushes gave us some shelter from the wind and in the sunshine it was very pleasant. Why is it that a cheese sandwich made with yesterday's bread and a slightly stewed cup of tea from a flask tastes so good when eaten out of doors whilst taking a well earned breather? Eaten at home they wouldn't taste nearly as good. Whilst we were enjoying our lunch a rider came up leading a second horse and she wanted to pass through the gate which Mr M, who hadn't sat down like me, opened for her. Horses look enormous when you are sitting on the ground with a cup of tea in your hand!!
Lunch over we packed up the empty flask cartons and wrappings etc and set off again and soon our route descended into this tunnel through the trees - again there were stunning views here and there where we came across a gap in the bushes.
The scenery along this walk was amazing and the greens so verdant, the skies so blue and everything was right in my world for a while.
Autumn is here though and some of the fields were already ploughed and ready for the next crops - this field was filled with rooks but I couldn't get a picture as they all took off as we passed! On the home straight now and only one more hill to climb and a mile or so to walk - hopefully we will get back in time for the bus as if not we'll have an hour to wait for the next one!
As you can see we got back at 2.45 - the bus was due at 2.52 so good timing. This building used to house the library and I remember visiting it to change my books over 50 years ago! That man is not Mr M but another passenger waiting for the bus and apparently the fish and chip shop on the left of the photo is in the process of opening a restaurant so hence the pile of rubbish outside the shop as the work takes place.
The bus arrived on time - same bus and driver who had brought us here this morning. We got back to Yeovil with quarter of an hour to spare before getting the Nippy bus home to the end of our road. Kettle on and cuppa made (after feeding Thomas who was waiting) and taken sitting in the last few rays of sunshine in the conservatory by about 4.00. Another great day out, plenty of exercise and fresh air and as I read on the internet yesterday
"Walking more 'would save thousands" of lives in the UK" we feel we have done our bit to reduce the burden on the NHS too!!