On Friday morning we went to Sutton Bingham reservoir and it was so beautiful - quiet in the morning sunshine with just an occasional fisherman to be seen. The photo makes it look dark but that must be because we were looking towards the sun for the sky was blue and the sun was actually bright!

I am combining my Pause in Lent post with this one due to time constraints and my reflection this week is to take note of the following quote: "Be still and Know that I am God" - I have forgotten how to be still and am constantly rushing from one thing to another so maybe it is time to slow down, to be still and to Know God.
I haven't had time to visit your blogs nor to comment as I usually do. I feel that in my posts I am just repeating the same old things these days and that it might be good for me and indeed for you to have a rest from it all so I have decided to take a break - I will be back but I just need to catch up with the correspondence which is piling up, to paint the garden furniture, to wash the blankets to.......
I am making postcards for the swap which I am involved in and will be posting on Postman's Knock so you might like to pop over and see me there from time to time I am sure there will be some interesting postcards on view (not necessarily mine but there are some really talented ladies in the group).