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Sunday, 13 March 2011


If Lent is a time for reflection then this year we certainly have plenty to reflect on!

It is obvious that there is a Greater Power at work in recent times - Nature or whatever you wish to call it is far more powerful than man.

Who or what is that Power?

All the terrible things which seem to be happening in our world must make us wonder what is important in the greater scheme of things.

It is scary to realise that at any moment life as we know it could be changed beyond recognition or snuffed out in the blink of an eye.

Yet - some things continue as they have always done and it seems to me that TRUST is our watchword for these troubled times. Trust that season will follow season as it always has, trust that there is more to life than what we have here on this planet, trust that there is goodness at work even in these terrible situations and Trust that all will be well even if not in the way we anticipate.

O God, who creates and nourishes us we feel helpless sorrow as new pictures of desolation flash before our eyes. We pray that your comforting arms will enfold those who suffer and grieve, that your healing balm will soothe and recover. We give thanks for the rapid response of authorities, rescuers, volunteers and survivors who save and succour those they can reach. May all your people in these regions find the vigour to serve those who suffer, to bring hope and new life. May we too find the means to respond as we can. ‘Lord Jesus, we give you our hands to do your work. We give you our feet to walk in your way. We give you our tongues to speak your word. We give you our hearts to love you, now and for ever. Amen.’ (Taken and edited from The Methodist Church website )

Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:39
All images from Google except the violets one which is my own


  1. thankyou for these thoughts and lovely words.

  2. It does make you wonder doesn't it!
    Sue Xx

  3. This is very helpful - thank you!

  4. A very thought provoking post.

    Kate x

  5. thanks so much for this post
    blessings x

  6. TRUst and TRUth. I take great comfort in knowing the truth stays.

  7. I've no idea how we'd manage to go on without the kind of trust you're talking about. It kind of lifts the weight off our shoulders.

  8. Jo and I went to the local shore side church today because of puppets. Matt and Dad were at our own hill top church where the latter was leading worship. And during prayers for Japan I got quite upset at the thought of waters racing in to engulf us- especially if we would be separated from the other two. Thank you for these words of hope, for this prayer even when words seem to fail in the enormity of what nations have endured.

  9. Jane,
    Wise words, well said. Lesley x

  10. Once again Jane you have made me pause and think deeply.


  11. Thanks Jane, for reminding us of how fragile life is and how we need to keep our thoughts on what is truly important in life. I know I need to be reminded of this several times a day--especially when I get anxious about life. 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

  12. Jane......... where do you start to express how awful events are elsewhere in the world? We CAN only trust that things will getter better.

  13. All these horrors make you realise how fragile life can be.
    Perhaps the message is "Sieze the day!" It certainly makes you think about what is important.


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