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Thursday, 30 August 2012

What a difference a day makes!

 After yesterday's torrential rain today has been a bright and sunny day albeit after a dull start.  The sky has been blue all afternoon and the sun has been shining.  One advantage of all that rain is that although the weeds are shooting up everywhere they are at least a bit easier to pull up and I have been out trying to rid the front garden of dandelions this afternoon.

 However there is a definite feeling that summer is coming to an end as the rosehips indicate and there was a chilly breeze along with the sunshine.

 I did however manage a short while after lunch sitting on the bench to finish this book.  It is a sequel to a book called The Secret River which I read some years ago although you could read it without having read the first one.  Quite different to the Snow Child this one tells the story of a young girl and her life in Australia in the 1820s.  The descriptions are excellent and you really get the feeling of being there and  what it might have been like.  I can recommend this book.  Yet another recommendation is After River by Donna Milner which I returned to the library yesterday so no photo I'm afraid!  Set in Canada near the border with America at the time of the Vietnam war it tells of how a single action by the 15 year old protagonist brings tragic results to her family.  Again do let me know if you read either of these and if so what you think of them and if you have any books you can recommend I'd be glad to hear about those too.

Thank you for all your kind comments on my last post - seems I am not alone in feeling frustrated at the new word verification.  


  1. I love those big juicy rose hips. M neighbour has some by her gate and they look almost not real, they are so fat and shiny.

    Yes, it is quite chilly here, this evening, with a brisk wind, but that's more or less par for the course up here.
    The sky is a lovely pale peach tho.

  2. ...still raining here! Thanks for the book recommendations.

  3. The rosehips look so pretty. Do you do anything with them? I vaguely remember a recipe for rosehip jam somewhere or perhaps that is just me imagining things!
    I hate the new word verification thing too. After four attempts I usually give up.
    Anne xx

  4. Lovely blue sky... and an apple tree, lucky you. Is it yours? Since it's too hot here for apple trees I have always wanted one!!!!!
    I've read The Secret River too. I find those stories set back at the time of First Settlement really grim and am soooo glad I wasn't born in those times.When you read about the way the Aborigines were treated it makes you realise why many of them cannot forgive the past .

  5. Oh, I've just looked at the photo again and realised that they are rosehips.... huge ones!! What a dill I am though I've never seen a rosehip in real life and always thought they were much smaller!

  6. The weather changes so much from day to day at the moment. It was cold and windy yesterday, but this morning we have woken to a beautiful sunrise. Thanks for the book recommendations!

  7. Yesterday it was 16 degrees and feling very autumnal indeed. Sunny today though .. I expect it will cheer up next week when he children go back to school :(

  8. Dandelion Tea perhaps?! They sound like very interesting reads, thanks for the recommendation, hope it doesnt get chilly too soon!

  9. The rosehips look lovely - mine never look like that! Will you make something with them? I am glad you got to sit in the sun and read your book. It is beautifully sunny here today but with a crisp autumn feel to the air.

  10. So very true about the day-to-day changes, and the alternating wet and warmth are doing the most prodigious things to weeds here too!

  11. I definitely like the bright sunny photos better Jane!!! :)
    What amazing rosehips, I don't think I have ever seen any as big before!!!
    Vivienne x

  12. I find I hear autumn first, in the birdsong. And we too are seeing nature's harvest colour the hedgerows. My favourite season :)

    But it's hot here today, summer is reluctant to leave the stage.

  13. Those photos make me think of rosehip syrup. I used to love the smell of it as a child but have not thought of it for years. Have made a note of those two books and will scout around in the library next week.

  14. Snow Child arrived today, wheeeee!! I'm going to take it on holiday with me at the end of the month. Your other recommendations look interesting too, I'll keep my eye out for them.


  15. Gorgeous picture of those bright berries and blue sky!
    Will add that book to my list too. Thought of you today when I was chopping down nettles and brambles!! Have a good week.
    Helen x

  16. Hello Jane, just popped back to let you know that you've won a prize in the knitsofacto giveaway. If you could let me have your address I'll post it on :)

  17. Jane, should you want to email me re the fabric books it's


  18. It's another gorgeous day and this is at least my third attempt to comment - keep getting interrupted!! Love the rose hips Jane - do you make jelly?

  19. not read either of these, I am reading the housse at riverton at the moment but if you enjoy a non fiction book try The Magic Apple Tree by Susan Hill, my favourite book.


Thank you for visiting and I hope you have found what you read of interest. Do please leave a comment as I love to hear what you think.