Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Towards my next 100 now!
Monday, 29 March 2010
Picture courtesy of Google images. Not sure I could rise to decorating the sugar cubes like this though!
Whilst on the subject of gadgets I am thinking I probably should delete my 20 minutes a day button as I am sorry to say it's just not been happening recently! Though I did make this little bag recently for a swap. I will keep trying to do my 20 minutes but I hate not keeping a promise!
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Thank you
Yesterday I went to the Country Living Fair - I am sure there will be many more interesting posts on this event than mine so suffice it to say it was a great day out though tiring. I left home on the 8.00 am coach and returned at 9.30 pm. My feet have recovered now but they were telling me enough was enough when I got back! It's a small world isn't it as I bumped into a lady I knew from my Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers days back when I lived in Guildford a long time ago - she was wisely sitting having a cup of tea!
The coach was full and it seemed that half of us were off to the CL Fair and many of the rest to the Ideal Home Show. It was obvious that a lot of the passengers on the return journey had been to the CL Fair judging by the bags we were carrying and one passenger (obviously not a CL lover) was heard to say "They all live in the country so why they have to come up to London to see how to do it beats me"!!! True but a day out garnering ideas is always a welcome change isn't it?
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Some crafting and some daffodils
It was one of the items I mentioned wanting to have a go at when I posted about the magazine a friend had sent me here and I finally got round to trying it out. What do you think?
..... and again on the back...
Saturday, 13 March 2010
French Leave
I had the top floor of their lovely home to myself with my own bathroom and this was the view from my bedroom window each morning when I woke. I was lucky with the weather and it was bright and sunny every day except the first.
She had planned a very varied and interesting programme for me and I loved every minute of it all. On arrival at the airport she met me and took me to lunch with a mutual friend. Then the following day that friend came to lunch chez nous and we went for a walk with my frend's husband as guide and sherpa (ie he carried the bag with the water bottles and a snack)!
Our route took us along the river Glane an area known as the Site de Corot. Corot was a painter who loved the area and did many paintings of this particular area - you can see why can't you?
Apparently we did about 10 km and it took us about 3 hours including our rest break! That is St Junien where we came from in the distance in the picture below.
Sunday came round all to fast and after lunch I had to leave. I will be back again though as although I don't miss living there at all and am very happy to be back in my own country I did enjoy my stay.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Hitting the ground running!
Meanwhile here is a picture of market day in France - you can see it was a lovely sunny day but it was cold and I gather from my friend that they have snow now!
Catch up soon.