I certainly seem to have touched a nerve with my Christmas Scrooge post! I thought you might say what an old misery I must be not to mention a tightwad too, but no, I was amazed to see how many of you agreed with me. Thank you all so much for your comments including those new bloggers who visited - it's good to meet new friends.
Having enjoyed Helsie's Favourite Things Friday post I decided to join in and post some of my favourite things on a Friday - won't promise to keep it up for ever or even to do it every Friday but now and then at least! If you fancy joining in pop over to Mrs Pyjamas here

First up - favourite flower fotos (couldn't resist the alliteration there!) My all time favourite flower is the primrose as seen here....
and a little later comes the apple blossom whose perfume is a favourite.

Today I had a Friday facial - now I was under no illusions that it would leave me looking like the picture (and indeed it didn't!) nor that I would actually leave with velvety smooth, youthfully radiant skin (and I didn't!) but I thought half an hour of pampering for £15 - redeemable against any purchase made - was a good idea especially as as I have had a cold which left me feeling in need of a pick me up. Well it was lovely and I enjoyed it no end.

Speaking of faces - here is favourite face - she has a scratch on her nose but isn't she beautiful and she doesn't have facials either! She was sitting at the table during lunch today and it was fishcakes so that explains her wistful look!
Finally Favourite quotes - thought as it is getting to that time of year I'd share this with you:
1 Thou shalt not be perfect nor even try to be
2 Thou shalt not try to be all things to all people
3 Thou shalt leave undone some things which ought to be done
4 Thou shalt not spread thyself too thin
5 Thou shalt learn to say "No"
6 Thou shalt schedule time for thyself and thy supportive network
7 Thou shalt switch off and do nothing regularly
8 Thou shalt be boring, untidy, inelegant and inattentive at times
9 Thou shalt not ever feel guilty
10 Especially thou shalt not be thine own worst enemy but thy best friend
And Thou shalt not take life too seriously!
If we can all keep these commandments over the next couple of months maybe this year Christmas will be better for everyone?!!!
Have a good weekend