Birthdays seem to come round all to swiftly these days and are occasions more for commiserations than congratulations nowadays! What they do do though is to make one stop and reflect and this is what I have been doing - did I reach my potential (whatever that was!) Have I achieved what I set out to do (not really since I never knew what I wanted to do anyway) Could I have done better, should I have done more etc. I remember our junior school motto was I am, I can, I ought, I will - not sure I have lived up to it though!

Me aged about 3
When I retired some years ago I suddenly realised that I had never decided what I wanted to be when I grew up and now it was too late! I am not sure I have been successful - whatever one means by that - nor have I achieved anything of note. I made a bit of a pig's ear of parenting, have not travelled the world nor wanted to, have never taken office as President of the WI or anything like that and when my "willow coffin" day comes I fear the eulogy will be very brief!
Me aged about 6
However there are plenty of plusses - I am still here and that can't be a bad thing since I have lost several friends in recent years, one younger than me - I live in a beautiful area, still with the same husband I started out with all those years ago (though some days that might be debatable as a plus and I am sure he might say the same!) I have everything I need even if not all I want, I no longer have to get up early if I don't want to nor struggle to work through the rush hour traffic, I can go on the bus for nothing with my bus pass, I can be as eccentric as I wish and nobody notices or cares except me, I have many clear memories of my childhood even if I have to think to decide what day it is or what I did yesterday! Yes although I could say "Regrets I have a few but then again too few to mention" (apologies Lesley!) life has been good on the whole and today is the start of the rest of my life and I mean to make the most of it whilst I still can!
I have received lots of cards and good wishes and amongst the gifts was a book of sayings to do with getting older (the friend who sent it is a little older than me so can get away with it!) and my favourite page is this one.
I will certainly take heed of it and the one below made me laugh - I hope I shan't take to napping in the car!
Oh and one major plus is that I have discovered blogging and found a whole new world full of friends out there - thank you all so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments - I love reading them and value each and every one.