When I was younger I imagined that once I was retired I would have time on my hands. When we moved back from France where we had had a very full social life (too full at times) I thought that as we wouldn't know anyone here I would have time to spare. But somehow it hasn't turned out like that at all.
I used to have time to go for an afternoon walk, on days I wasn't working - I taught part time, before the school run. I used to pick blackberries and make jams and preserves, I used to tend the allotment. I knitted and sewed for my daughter, met friends for coffee and lunch occasionally and was still at the school gate by 3.30!
Now the hours seem to disappear and nothing seems to be achieved why is that? I have just looked at the clock and discovered it has just gone 3.30 and there was me thinking it must be about 2.15!! Is there a time thief perhaps? (No I don't have clocks on the table in the conservatory but this was the only place light enough to get a picutre!)

Last week I mentioned the charity China Kidz and said that I had signed up to produce a jersey for a little Chinese orphan - that shouldn't be too difficult nor time consuming should it? Wrong!!!
I bought some yarn and a pattern - nothing too complicated since the child, now 6 months old, needed this to wear asap and not when she was a teenager. I busily cast on the required number of stitches and knitted the requisite 4 rows of garter stitch - so far so good. Then I realised that there was a chart to be followed for the next 14 rows. Even wearing my new reading glasses it was too tiny to see properly so it had to be scanned and enlarged.
However what looked quite simple I found incredibly complicated to follow as on the right side of the work the plain squares were knit stitches and on the reverse the plain squares were purl. To cut a long story short I decided to write out the pattern from the chart - more time spent and having knitted the 14 rows only to find the pattern wasn't looking quite right - more time spent checking the chart and my manuscript revealed that I had made a mistake in my transcription so have had to unrun it and having rewritten the manuscript I will now have to start again.... grrr!
Luckily the sleeves which I have finished have just a garter stitch border!

I get so frustrated when seemingly simple things are beyond me - am I really going senile perhaps? Why can't I do this? I am reasonably sensible why can I not figure out what is required. It reminds me of how frustrated I get when filling in my tax forms - it might just as well be written in Greek! This year I decided to pay and accountant to do it for me and save myself both time and stress but there is nobody who will knit the first 14 rows of a baby's jumper for me is there?!! I WILL get it right in the end but as time is of the essence I am wondering why I didn't just buy a sweater for the baby whose name appropriately enough is - wait for it - Patience!!!
I doubt if I will find time to get back with my Friday Favourites this week so am adding them on to the end of this post as they are appropriate ! These are 2 cards I bought myself some years ago and intended to frame - needless to say they are still in their packets!! I need a little quiet time in which to think about it all!

But maybe I shouldn't be too hard on myself - I do try!!!a
Finally thank you all so very much for your lovely comments on my previous posts - it's good to know that you agree with me on some things and I hope I don't come across as too opinionated!
Postscript - I've done it! Finally managed to do those 14 rows right and now it's all downhill with plain knitting!