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Monday 14 January 2013

New beginnings

 First and foremost I want to say how much I appreciated all your kind comments on my last post - it meant a lot to me to know that you were with me through the dark days - Thank you to all of you.

 When Bambi died I knew that neither Mr M nor I would be able to dig a sufficiently deep hole to bury her in the garden - after all the rain the ground was too heavy and sodden so I had no option but to have her cremated.  I paid to have an individual cremation and to get her ashes back as I couldn't bear to imagine her tossed with any other animals into the furnace, if in fact that is what happens. It being Christmas and New Year things moved slowly and I finally got Bambi's ashes back just over a week ago - it was sad to think that she had been reduced to a little cardboard box but when I opened the box inside was this lovely wooden casket with her name engraved on the lid! She is now on the shelf in the kitchen where she always loved to be and not outside in the cold!  I know I am mad but it helps me!

Having got closure on that I began to notice that there were signs of new life coming along - this is one of my Christmas gifts from the wanderer and is outside in the garage in the dark/cold until the shoots are 4 cms tall when it will come indoors and hopefully provide me with lovely blue muscari to enjoy.

The roadside daffodils are in bloom now and providing hope for better things to come.... are some of the primroses in the garden.

A walk round Crewkerne followed by lunch with a friend was enjoyable last Thursday as was....

... a trip to Weymouth on Friday for a walk along the beach in the sunshine.

 Just look at the sky!  This clock was installed to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1857.

 We decided to see what the Lodmoor Country Park was and so crossed the road from the beach to what at first sight seemed to be closed down for the season ammusement areas but on further inspection was a pleasant circular walk back to the front.

So I am learning to accept the hole left by Bambi and can now think of her without tears and remember happier times.

My time out has given me the opportunity to do some reflecting on this and that and I feel that as I have been blogging now for three and a half years and as many of you have had problems with reaching the allotted limit for photos on Blogger unless you pay more at about this point and as I don't have much more to say except more of the same maybe now would be a good time to bid you adieu.  It may be that I return but the time I find I have for other things since I haven't been blogging nor commenting on other blogs is more important to me just now.  So to all those faithful readers, followers and friends I wish you well and bid you  au revoir at least for now!