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Sunday 5 April 2020


Due to increased demand I am struggling during the current situation finding I am spending so much time on the telephone (3+ hours some days!) and answering e-mails (more hours) and generally keeping in touch with friends then getting stressed as I haven't achieved any of the things I had hoped I might be doing as mentioned in the following piece by Kitty O'Meera but fear I might only be "meeting my shadows" and none of the other things!!  I know that I am not alone in this and that all over the world people are trying to find their "new way of living" in these times of change and anxiety and we will all have to find our own way through this but it helps to know we are not alone.  One blog which says more eloquently than I can on the topicis Sifting for Treasures take a look.

And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

For more about Kitty see Oprah's magazine here.

So I plan to spend more time on the afore mentioned activities and less on the computer and telephone at least for now.  I really love to hear from my friends but I am just trying to find a way to keep in touch with everyone and at the same time to heal and find a new way of living myself!  So that I am able to be supportive to them too.

I write to you all in friendship and love and sign off with this lovely French compilation of a familiar (to the French at least!) song from the 60s. which speaks of the need for "tendresse" or affection/love/kindness/care especially at this time of isolation and which was compiled from videos made by each of the musicians all over France wherever they found themselves in isolation - there's a lesson there too isn't there it says that we are better together and even the virus cannot separate us nor stop us from making something beautiful if we work together.


  1. Thank you for that quote from Kitty. Extraordinary how she sums up so many thoughts and feelings. I had a look at the oprah site also.

  2. That is a wonderful quote from Kitty. I had thought I'd accomplish more, too, but find my thoughts quite scattered. I think it's important to stay in contact with my children (via Skype), and my parents and siblings (via phone) so I'm spending more time on the telephone and computer, too.

  3. It can take time for us to settle into a new routine can't it, especially when it was imposed upon as so abruptly. I hope slowly you can find a balance of staying connected with your friends and doing those things that you want to as well.

  4. Blogging is supporting others to get through these horrible times. Staying home so much is a struggle. Stay Safe!


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